A Summary of Machine Learning Techniques used in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

With the abundance of data at our fingertips, data-driven solutions are being created to solve our modern problems. For the past couple of years, the Covid-19 pandemic has been a major global issue, and as a result, machine learning methods have been used in response. For this post, I will summarize the 2020 article Applications and challenges of AI-based algorithms in the COVID-19 pandemic by Danai Khemasuwan and Henri G Colt. In this literature review, the researchers explored the strengths and limitations of how machine learning algorithms are being used to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is relevant not only in regard to Covid-19 but also in other instances where algorithms and public health intersect.

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Project Reflection

Over the course of the quarter, I alongside my group Kyle Fang, Adhvaith Vijay, and Britney Zhao created a webapp for users who are learning about dog breeds. In this reflection, the first four sections were written as a group, and I wrote the last two sections individually.

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Identifying Fake News with TensorFlow

In this post, I’ll explain how to create a fake news classifier using TensorFlow. We will be creating three models to predict whether news articles contain fake news, and then evaluate them.

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Exploring Spectral Clustering

In this post I will be guiding you through the process of creating a simple spectral clustering algorithm. Spectral clustering allows us to find similarities in data points. In this simple tutorial, we will understand how to partition data into their natural clusters.

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Blog Post 0

In this post I will be giving a tutorial on how to use Python to make an interesting scatterplot from the Palmer Penguins dataset. This dataset contains information about 344 penguins and we will create a scatterplot that compares the flipper length and body mass of the penguins based on their species.

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